Manufactured Homes

    Manufactured Home is a type of prefabricated housing that is mainly assembled in factories and then delivered to the site of use.

    These houses, once again, are factory houses, and they simply operate from above, plywood covered. So at once you will not think that they are factory, and that they are on the platform.

    Manufactured Home is compliant with HUD's Industrial Home Construction and Safety Standards. These standards are important because they mean that the home:

    • Safely live in
    • Made from durable materials.
    • Meets requirements for heating, cooling, electricity, plumbing, energy efficiency and fire resistance. 

    Unlike mobile homes, many lenders will finance home construction. The HUD indicates that industrial homes are up to their current standards by issuing HUD tags for each home.

    Benefits of buying an Manufactured Home

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    Modern homes in accordance with the same quality and safety standards as locally built homes. However, industrial homes are more affordable, making home ownership a reality for more people. And unlike mobile homes, many manufactured homes are virtually indistinguishable from locally built homes.

    Manufactured Homes
    Manufactured Homes

    Industrial homes are built in closed spaces in a controlled environment. This creation process has many benefits:

    • Building materials are exposed to external weather conditions to stay dry at a constant temperature.
    • Finished houses can be built faster, as bad weather is not involved in construction.
    • Manufacturers buy their materials in bulk. In turn, they shift the savings onto buyers, which is why manufactured homes are usually cheaper than locally built homes.
    • Many home builders provide some level of customization. Shoppers can still create their dreams without going over budget.
    • There are many factors that influence the valuation of a home. But just like locally built homes, well-maintained industrial homes can rise in value.

    Prefabricated houses are built on their own steel chassis and wheels. Manufactured houses are placed on a permanent foundation with a wide range of skirting board options. This includes bricks that create the look of a house built on the site.